Welcome to Smoother Life!
You've come to the right place if you've asked yourself these questions ...

If twisting the gas cap is hard or it's taking a little longer to get out of the car...
14 Things to Consider When Traveling in the Heat
Using a grocery / retail delivery service saves time, brings peace of mind
Easier eldercare. Smoother child care. Convenience for the medically compromised.

Leveraging Technology and Tools to Make Your Life Easier
We support love-work-care lifestyes.
Easy to Make -- Beautiful, Delicious Enchiladas!
This enchilada dish is absolutely bursting with flavor. Add a side of delicious black beans along with a bowl of crispy, tortilla chips and salsa -- and enjoy!
When you eat at home, you can save money and relax. Plus, these sumptuous enchiladas are surprisingly so easy to make.